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  • The so-called "criminal justice reforms," such as bail reform, enacted over the last couple of years, must be repealed.

  • We support the adoption of a constitutional amendment that requires the NYS Budget be strictly limited to budget items.

  • We support term limits for the Governor, Lt. Governor, Comptroller, Attorney General, and Members of the Senate and Assembly and the first passage of a Constitutional Amendment establishing Initiative and Referendum and Recall.

  • We reject efforts to legalize the personal use of marijuana and safe injection sites.

  • We oppose efforts by the Governor and Legislature to create commissions that have the authority to enact state laws.

  • We reject any extension of the millionaire’s tax.

  • We support a “flat tax” where every household in New York State pays the same percentage of their income thereby making it possible to eliminate nuisance taxes and the further reduction in corporate and personal income taxes to stimulate economic growth.

  • We support law enforcement and the necessity to utilizing all effective law enforcement techniques to keep citizens safe.

  • New York State government should require all law enforcement agencies to hold for federal law enforcement officials any person illegally in our state  and prohibit any state or municipality from becoming a sanctuary government.

  • We support the encouragement of educational choice programs through establishment of a system of educational tax credits or deductions and/or vouchers in payment to parents or school districts for expenses incurred in elementary or secondary education, and we support expanding the number of charter schools in New York State. We support the merit testing of students for admission into specialized high schools.

  • School districts that decide to permit school personnel to have access to firearms should be provided training and support by state and local law enforcement.

  • The Conservative Party continues to oppose free college education, while acknowledging that the cost of higher education is far too expensive. “Free” community college or universities is even more costly to taxpayers. Therefore, all levels of higher education should be made available online to lower the cost.

  • The Executive Branch must end the practice of disbursing economic development council grants and tax credits that are used to benefit favored entities and create unjust favoritism with taxpayers’ funds that prevents competition on a level playing field.

  • Any attempt to establish instant voter registration in New York State must be rejected.


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